Circular Economy Forum – a stage for retreading and recycling
In 2024, THE TIRE COLOGNE focussed even more strongly on the topic of sustainability. The circular economy in particular has become an integral part of the tyre industry. This is precisely why THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024 presented its own themed world: the Circular Economy Area.
With its central positioning in Hall 7, companies dedicated to the retreading and recycling of tyres were given significantly greater visibility.
A varied programme took place on the new Circular Economy Forum stage. The global trade magazine for the tyre retreading industry Retreading Busines was a media partner and accompanied topic-specific panel discussions. The magazine has a global network of correspondents and is the only trade magazine specifically aimed at the tyre retreading industry.
Here is a selection of the main topics in the Circular Economy Forum:
- Sustainability - How can retreading provide proof of its sustainability?
- The future of independent retreaders
- Automation in the retreading industry
- Retreading and the circular economy
The exhibitors of the Circular Economy Area could also participate in the programme with a lecture. The focus was thereby on knowledge transfer for the industry.