53129 Bonn
The event
Did your customer order tyres over the phone and then cancel the order a few days later? Is this possible at any time? What happens if you have already fitted the new tyres and disposed of the old ones?
The customer comes back to the point of sale after buying the tyres and wants to "complain" about the tyres. What needs to be considered here?
Your customer has not collected his stored tyres and does not respond to reminders or telephone calls. Can I simply dispose of the tyres?
These and similar questions come up again and again at the point of sale and the legal understanding varies greatly. In this workshop, the legal expert will address these and other questions in detail.
Dr Frank Markus Döring is a specialist lawyer for international commercial law, intellectual property law and insurance law. His work at the BRV partner law firm JEP Rechtsanwälte Notare (Flensburg) focuses on trade mark law, international contracts and insurance law.