Cologne: 09.–11.06.2026 #thetirecologne

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Bekanntgabe der Top 25-Reifenmarken von Brand Finance | Event on the THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024

Announcing Brand Finance’s Top 25 Tyre Brands

from Koelnmesse GmbH
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English with simultaneous translator
Brand valuation
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln

The event

  1. Intro to brand finance.
  2. Brand valuation methodology.
  3. Why value brands?
  4. Role of brands in the tyre industry.
  5. Results – most valuable tyre brands.
  6. Results – strongest tyre brands.
  7. Additional insights from our tyre sector analysis.
  8. Closing remarks.
  9. Q&A

Valuation Director

Brand Finance Plc

Country Manager, DACH, Brand Finance

Brand Finance Plc


Brand Finance Plc