Cologne: 04.–06.06.2024 #thetirecologne

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Tire documentation systems by GL Technology GmbH

GL Technology GmbH is engaged in the development of contactless measuring systems for documenting the condition of complete wheels and tires. The global customer base of the company, which was founded in 2022 as a subsidiary of
of GL Messtechnik GmbH, based in Hargesheim (Rhineland-Palatinate), primarily includes tire service companies and operators of large wheel hotels. With its innovative measurement solutions, the young company has now established itself as a major player in the automotive aftermarket.
At THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024, GL Technology will present the existing tire tread measurement systems "SingleTireScanner",
"TireScanStation" and "StackedTireProfiler". The mobile application "TireScanMobile" will also be presented in Cologne.
In addition, visitors to the trade fair can expect a new development called "TireScanOnline" - a system with which it will be possible to automatically document tires transported on a conveyor belt.

To the press compartment of GL Technology GmbH

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