Cologne: 09.–11.06.2026 #thetirecologne

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2+2=5 – mit spannenden Methoden das Team stärken | Event on the THE TIRE COLOGNE 2024

2+2=5 - strengthening the team with exciting methods

from Bundesverband Reifenhandel und Vulkaniseur-Handwerk e.V.
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Human Resources, BRV-Workshop
Bundesverband Reifenhandel und Vulkaniseur-Handwerk e.V.
Franz-Lohe-Str. 19
53129 Bonn
Congress Centre North, Conference room B

The event

Do you want to improve internal collaboration and strengthen your team? If you want to take the issue into your own hands, why not take a courageous look at the colourful bouquet of methods? With the right method, you can bring the team together and ensure better cohesion with fun and motivation. But that's not all. A catchy method makes our own behaviour crystal clear to us. In this way, the use of different methods ensures that reflection on cooperation is triggered and the rethinking of ingrained behaviour patterns is encouraged. You can also do this on your own. Experience different methods in the interactive workshop and develop suitable reflection questions that can be directly adapted to everyday life. Special bonus: the methods are all easy and inexpensive to implement!

Tanja Herzig is an expert in co-operation and customer orientation. Her company KORU Training, Coaching & Consulting supports companies with motivating and engaging training sessions, workshops and moderation. The focus is on professionalism, expertise and industry knowledge. A target group-orientated approach, loving media design and a motivating atmosphere are her trademarks. Tanja Herzig has been honoured with the European Training Award. 


Coaching & Consulting

KORU Training